POLYGLOT Language School
English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Czech for foreigners, and other languages
Come and teach for Polyglot!
Polyglot is looking for native speakers of English to teach both company and in-house courses. We’d like you to be passionate about language, motivated and eager to improve.
We provide our own teacher training programme, offer a lot of courses to choose from and will give you excellent admin support.
Further information about teaching opportunities in your region:
Praha • České Budějovice • Ostrava • Jihlava • Brno • Plzeň •Liberec
Czech for foreigners
For more information, please, click here: Praha • České Budějovice • Ostrava • Jihlava • Brno • Plzeň •Liberec.
Czech practise book A1–A2

Czech for foreginers – exercise book
Cvičebnice češtiny is a modern practice book for all those interested in learning Czech as a foreign language.
Please send orders to: polyglot@polyglot.cz
Language courses
- all courses (e.g. company and individual courses) are designed according to client’s requests and needs
- client decides the number of students per course
- select the course venue (workplace, home or Polyglot classroom)
- select the type of course (general, technical, conversation, exam preparation, etc.)
- all levels (absolute beginner to advanced)
Translations and Interpreting
PEARSON International Exams/Assessments
POLYGLOT is a testing center for the Pearson Language Assessment. Students can now take the internationally recognized exam at our school. POLYGLOT was awarded the Test Centre of the Year in 2008.
Contact and further information
Telephone: +420 241 740 566, +420 777 252 607
E-mail: skola.praha@polyglot.cz
Address: Jazyková škola Polyglot, Táborská 34, 140 00 Praha 4